Murder hornets, aliens and rioting animals: 2020 has been weird | Van Badham

There are a number of truly off-the-hook events that took place while everyone was either locked inside or kicking off

’Tis now the season for reviews of the year, and inherent to the past 12 months is tragedy that would be disrespectful to ignore. Coronavirus obliged millions into lockdown worldwide, but it carved a trail of grief around the world. Today, 272,633 Americans alone lay dead. Click here, refresh and there will, alas, be more tomorrow.

Alongside tragedy – inevitably – came farce. There’ll be a time to explain 2020’s punch-ups over toilet paper, the sourdough frenzy, the lethal movement of virus-denialism and the domestic chaos of enforced proximity.

Related: 'They give me the willies': scientist who vacuumed murder hornets braces for fight

2020 is yet to throw any bleeding mountains at us, so we should be fine

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